Bright Approach Advancement Center

The Brief

As a non-profit organization, Bright Approach Advancement Center is in need of an effective and modern-looking website. They want a website that will help them attract more donors and supporters. Bright Approach Advancement Center’s current website is difficult to navigate and outdated, making it difficult for visitors to find the information they need.


Corporate Advisory

Community Center/ NGO



Services Involved

Web Design
Web Development



Bright Approach Advancement Center is in desperate need of a website that covers all from basic information to special announcements. Moreover, organizing different events to attract supporters and donors. Since organizing a fundraising event is one of the best ways to create awareness for your cause. But what if you’re not creative? How will you come up with a catchy name, design promotional materials, and more?

You need a proper website that covers everything, from event coverage to other important information. Thus Omer Farooq helps them in creating effective SEO websites on WordPress using the elementor theme.


Bright Approach Advancement Center found the perfect solution for their needs when they started working with Omer Farooq. He helped create an intuitive, clean, responsive website that was developed with SEO in mind from the ground up. With Bright Approach’s new SEO-friendly WordPress website they will gain exposure and attract more donors and supporters.

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